Matthew's Website


„Seaways” has been my favourite GTA: Vice City cheat since I first discovered it. Did you know you can do it in real life?

You can buy a car that is able to both drive like, well, a car, and swim like a boat. Yesterday I accidentally stumbled upon WaterCar, a company that bases their cars on Humvees, and Amphicar which I find much more interesting because the cars are 60 years old and in my opinion look more classy.

Red Amphicar at a local amphicar show
Red Amphicar at a local amphicar show Source

It would be nice to own one, however the prices make it almost impossible for me. Both WaterCar and Amphicar are being sold for around $130 000. If I had that amount of money, I'd rather buy a small airplane or at least a fancy Tesla.

Have you ever had a chance to drive swim in one?