Matthew's Website

I have graduated

When I applied to study at my local university I didn't think that it would go by so fast and that it would change my life in so many ways, though it was mostly because of Erasmus.

This spring I have finally graduated and finished the traditional path of education.

The majority of the stuff I've learnt has no use at my current job. Frankly speaking, if you let me control the curriculum, I'd get rid of half of the things, and it wouldn't deteriorate the quality of education you get.

Paradoxically, I've learnt the majority of things I need to do my job during Erasmus, when I actually studied the least and spent most of my time partying and travelling. Though maybe it's not a paradox - when you apply for Erasmus you get a more granular control over the classes you take and I could choose the ones which appealed to me the most (and were easiest to pass haha).

I'm glad to have the diploma, even though nowadays it may not be the most valuable asset to have on the job market.