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Count to 99 on your hands

3rd of August 2021

Using ten fingers to count only to ten is boring. There are methods to count even to a thousand or so, but they require memorisation skills and aren't intuitive. This method, called by some Chisanbop allows you to count to 99 using only ten fingers.

How does it work?

Fingers on your left hand are responsible for numbers 1 to 4 and the thumb is 5. So number 7 is a thumb plus two fingers. Number 2 is simply two fingers, but not thumb (thumb only stands for 5). Then your right hand is responsible for multiples of ten and the thumb stands for 50. So fourty is represented by four fingers and 80 is your thumb and three fingers.

That's it! Try it out. For example, to get seventy six, you use your thumb and one finger in your left hand and the thumb and two fingers in your right hand. Simple, easy to remember and useful.